The power of new and digital media is growing rapidly. You can see that without the internet you weren't allowed to do many things or see many things. This made it difficult for the rest of people when they wanted to tell something but couldn't because they didn't have the right technology. Now that we have phones, cameras etc we can capture information about anything and if its relevant then they can share it on social media or on YouTube or give it to someone in the newspaper industry.
2) What does the author argue regarding whether hegemony is being challenged by Web 2.0?
The author argues that they believe that both audiences and producers have power. This means that they know that audiences can put things on social media and so can producers. This could be things that don't matter and cause problems in the world or wherever the story may matter. They think they matter because they use things like social media to put it on people are going to read it or be more aware of it like that, but even news paper companies have made apps that they can share stories on that people may not see on a newspaper but can ion the app.
3) In your opinion, does new and digital media reinforce dominant hegemonic views or give the audience a platform to challenge them?
I think that the new and digital media does give the audience a platform to challenge them. This is because its now easier to capture things as a majority of people have phones or something they can capture things on. Most of the things that we would like would be controversial and it would spark man y things. Now that we have this type of technology we can use it to capture things that we know is right or wrong. For example, if fireman didn't save someone in a burning fire, we could capture that on our phone then send it around or put it on social media or send it to a big company so that they can talk about it and know that's it wrong fro someone whop has that power to do that. This does challenge alot of things as many people do want to cause controversy or its something that they believe should be known about.
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