1) Do you agree with James Murdoch that the BBC should not be allowed to provide free news online? Why?
I dont agree with James as the BBC should be able to provide free news whenever they want and however they want to.Its not bad to have a free service. As the BBC is a free service,its been around for many years and just to start costing customers it would be bad as they dont need to. If they did do this many customers wouldnt read the news online and they would lose hundereds of suctomers because of it. This makes it bad for the BBC as they would lose out on profit and viewers.
2) Was Rupert Murdoch right to put his news content (The Times, The Sun) behind a paywall?
I think that murdoch was wrong to put the news contents on a paywall. This is because when people visist a website they expect to see all the information that is tehre for them.By having a price on it, it makes it worse as the people/audience wont still be on the website, they will leave and not pay. This is because people would think that they shouldnt have to pay for anything just to see some information-it doesnt do anything else. It should be free as its a provider and it doesnt do anything else. No one is going to pay as people already pay for internet at home-they pay for wifi and to have data on their phone or other digital technology so that they can access these things.
3) Choose two comments from below the Times paywall article - one that argues in favour of the paywall and one that argues against. Copy a quote from each and explain which YOU agree with and why."All very well, but the Times has zero web presence. What's the point of existing in the 21st century without one?
I never hear or read anything from the newspaper, because nobody can share what it publishes." This is a good quote is its trying to say that the market is now being and now on the internet. everything that the news or newspapers pulish should go on their wbesites that show that they meet all the viewrs needs. This person doenst read newspapers as they are outdated and not needed, i think this is wrong, as yes the interent is growing and so shoudl the companies but that doenst mean that they still cant publish as those who dont have access to interent like elderly people will need it.
"There really is that split emerging between the new breed of online content companies who are pushing the viral, sharable side of things, and the more traditional outlook of the Times. "Practice run" sounds about right too.
But as you say, it doesn't need the volume when it is achieving average revenue per user on a monthly basis of about £12 (I guess, it's not disclosed), with 2.1k new users joining every month. The Time is losing money on each one at the moment, which is what you get for giving away a Nexus 7 and spending £loads on marketing, but that's as it should be." This tells me that this is good as they need to make sure that they have both the new and old sense of the media. Having printed media is there to attract those who still read it and then those who are using the digital media thsi si to make sure that they meet all the targeted audeiences as they need to make sure that they can attarct them still.
4) Why do you think the Evening Standard has bucked the trend and increased circulation and profit in the last two years?
I think they done this because they know taht the amount of views and useres who are reading and buying print are falling down alot. This is to help make sure that this doesnt happen as much.By doing this they think that they will read more and be more into it.
5) Is there any hope for the newspaper industry or will it eventually die out? Provide a detailed response to this question explaining and justifying your opinion.
I think that isnt much hope for the newspaper inudsty. This is because everyone does use the interent. Whether its for personal use, information, school, work, information etc they still use it. The internet has been trending ever since it came out. It has always been a big deal to veryone and now that everyone has it in their homes it lets you access whatever you want. People are becoming more lazy as they dont want to go the shop and buy a newspaper or a magazine when they can stay at home and access it at home or wherver they are. they think that they read it, it goes in the bin so whats the point? This shows that peopel dont want them as they can get it for free (more or less) whever they are and wont take up space or they wont have to go out.
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