Tuesday, 8 March 2016

case study

The basics

Your chosen industry: Music

Your chosen case study (i.e. text/institution etc.): streaming

Have you received approval for this case study from your teacher? Yes/No

Research and answer the following tasks on your MEST3 exam blog:


1) How has new and digital media changed the audience experience in your chosen industry?

New and digital media has changed it in a way that most people now dont watch music on TV they prefer to listen to it on big apps like spotify or soundcloud or even on youtube.

2) Has new and digital media changed the way the audience consume your chosen product?

The new and digital media has as there is different ways to listen to music or watch a video. Most young people prefer to listen to remixes sometimes rather than the actual song.

3) Has the size of the audience changed as a result of new and digital media?

i think the size has gotten bigger as the music industry has always been big but now you have phones that let you download apps you can download alot of music apps which will let you listen to music for free or you will have to pay a small amount of money.

4) What are the positive changes new and digital media have brought to the audience of your case study? (E.g. greater choice, easier access etc.)

There are many things that is good that are making it good. For example the fact that its easier access and there is more too choose from. There are apps and different parts to take up.

5) What are the negative changes new and digital media have had on your chosen audience? (E.g. quality of product etc.)

There are different things like having different products to have a big impact on this. There are good and bad qualities to make this a better thing to do. Having this can make the audience want to go on TV and listen to music rather than go on normal websites. This can be a bad thing as then the views on TV will go down and not matter.

6) What about audience pleasures - have these changed as a result of new and digital media? 

Audience pleasures are doing certain things as then they can make the audience want to be more better. They want to be able to do certain things and watch and listen to music. music is becoming more popular all the time and has been becoming more of a demand in the media and in the social media aspect.

7) What is the target audience for your chosen case study? Write a demographic/psychographic profile.


1) How has new and digital media had an impact on ownership or control in your chosen industry?

My new and digital media has been a important thing over time as its something that has been important for  a while.

2) What impact has new and digital media had on ownership in your chosen case study?

New and digital media have been the main source for music streaming as its something that has been happeing a lot and everything that music is shown on goes on the internet and is shown like that.

3) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions produce texts?

In some ways the music industry has been a few topics on the institution side. This does happen alot as its something that can go on and can make it happen alot. Having something thats happening in the music industry can make a difference and makes a news story sometimes, depending on what its about.

4) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions distribute their product?
There has been some different types of ways that its been distributed. for example on you tube, spotify, news papers etc. These are all ways which people get information from.

5) How might new and digital media threaten your chosen industry?

The media doesn't threaten the music industry too much as its something that doesn't happen as its such a popular part of the world that a lot cant go round. Sometimes it can be hard as its the news papers and news that do certain things to make the music industry go bad and go wrong.

6) How has new and digital media changed the way your chosen industry is regulated? 

It has been controlled a lot over the years. music has always has been an important part of the world as its something that is popular. Music has alwaysy been popular and is never controlled much by anything. There are no limits on how they dress, what the lyrics are, how its distributed etc.


1) What examples of user-generated content can you find in your case study?

2) How has UGC changed things for audiences or institutions in your chosen case study?

Marxism, Pluralism and Hegemony

1) What would be a Marxist perspective of the impact of new and digital media on your chosen case study?

A Marxists view would say some things about the songs or about the internet itself as they are more old fashioned and don't get out much to realise whats going on in the world.

2) How would a pluralist view the impact of new and digital media in your chosen industry?

A pluralist would say that its good that the world is adjusting to different things and would think that its good that there is different things going on.


1) How has globalisation impacted on your chosen industry or case study?

Music is global. Streaming is global and everything is done so that everyone can share their opinion and say things. Making sure that the world know and interacts with music is a good thing.

2) In your opinion, has globalisation had a positive or negative impact on your chosen industry and case study? Why?

It has a positive impact on music streaming as it has helped the music industry become more popular and know what to do and who the artists are to make sure that the whole thing comes together well.

Social media

1) How has your industry or case study used social media to promote its products?

Social media has always had an impact with the music industry. This is when the industry gets popular and when they get money. The social media is where they promote a lot. The music artsist have social media where their fans can follow and like their posts and they can post new music to their fans. It has always had a big part.

2) Provide examples of how your case study has used social media and explain the impact this would have on audiences.

For example, Spotify has a instagram account and facebook account. YouTube has a facebook account. Loads of artisits have a social media account and this makes it better. This is how people promote.
3) Is social media an opportunity or a threat to your industry and case study?

Social media can be a threat or a opportunity. This means that they can get to do certain things on social media but then that could make things bad when they have to promote as they would have already done so.


1) What statistics can you find to illustrate the impact new and digital media has had on your industry or case study? For example, in news, the UK newspaper industry sold more than 12m copies a day in 2001 but in 2014 it was below 7m.

2) Looking at these statistics, what impact has new/digital media had on institutions in your chosen industry? 

3) What has the impact been for audiences? These may be positive and negative.


1) What media theories can you apply to your chosen industry and case study? Select THREE media theories and explain how they are relevant to your case study. Note: these can be ANY of the theories we have learned over the whole of Year 12 and 13.


1) What media issues and debates can you apply to your chosen industry and case study? Select THREE media issues/debates and explain how they are relevant to your case study.

Wider examples and secondary texts

1) What other texts or institutions are also relevant to your case study? What would be good secondary texts or examples to use to support the findings of your independent case study?

Ignite presentation

When you have completed your independent case study research, prepare a 20-slide, 5 minute Ignite presentation on your chosen industry and case study. You will present this in class to widen our overall knowledge of the impact of new and digital media on a variety of industries, examples and texts. Remember the Ignite rules:

  • 20 slides
  • 15-second auto-advance
  • No more than 20 words on each slide

You will not be able to include ALL of the above sections so be selective and choose the aspects you feel will be most interesting and relevant to your audience - the rest of the class.

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