Wednesday, 9 December 2015

News on the Tweet

  • Why are respected news brands good news for Twitter?
They are good for twitter as its something that they would like to do. Everyone who are interested will show that via twitter. They are interested ion re tweeting their articles etc. Its something that happens as they want everyone to know what they are reading or are interested in.
  • Why in turn is Twitter good for respected news brands?
Its good for respected news brands because they need to make sure that they are popular as most companies have an online version. They don't mind  if people promote them in a way like re-tweeting their news stories or someone else's tweet etc. This is good publicity for them as it gives them something to do.

  • The report suggests that old and new media “are not, in fact, in direct competition, but often work extremely well together to enhance both the media eco-system and the consumer experience”. What evidence do they provide to support this idea? Do you agree with it?
I think that its wrong in some way as it can be directed out and show what they mean. I think that this is purposely done for a reason to get more views etc.

  • On page 24/25 of the report, the focus turns to 'gossip' or 'banter'. What example tweets from journalists are used to illustrate this? 
There are many stories that are being used as part of banter. For example "sewer pipe is stuck with a large pooh". This may appear funny as its a play on words as its getting clogged up with winnie the pooh. Also, "Does Kim kardashian bum look big in these trousers" Is another one as she is known for her famous backside.

  • Do you think the increasing amount of 'gossip' or 'banter' is harming the reputation of news and journalists?
No, i dont think it is as you do need a balance in what you write and hear as news cant always be serious and negative.

  • What does the report say about trust in Twitter and journalists (look at pages 34-39)?
Most people are saying that they trust what they are saying and what is going on twitter as its something that they can connect with the news articles or people who run the newspapers. Its something that can happen over time all the time. They believe that they are more in contact with them this way.

  • Finally, do you think new and digital media developments such as Twitter have had a positive or negative impact on traditional newspapers?
i think that it has both a good and bad impact on them. For example, it helps them as they get to promote them in some way as many people don't have any contact with the news or newspapers and the way they find out is through social media. It does bring it back as they would rather see it or hear it on social media rather than read and waqtch the original on a newspaper or BBC news.

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