1) Why was Google Glass controversial?
Its been controversial because its very open. It allows google to access everyones personal information that they may not want them to know. This id an issue as many things go online quicker and is very bad that it gets shown. Evryone wants to keep up with the latest trends and they want to ensure that they get what they can to be with the new technogloy. But as this is going to very expenisve and many people may not want this they need to ensure that they get enough done.
2) What are the positive elements to Globalisation that the article highlights?
There are many psotive elements to this. For example, it allows everyone to access what they want when they want. They can do things easier and quicker. Its something that allows a small minority of people to connect with. Not eveyone is going to be able to afford this new piece of tech and the people that do have it will be lucky enought to have so.
3) What are potential negatives to Globalisation?
Although there are good things about the new product there are also some bad ones too. For example, that not many peopel will be intrested in this new product. Alot of people dont want new products or anything new within companies to grow as the technology changes all the time and there are bound to be many other things out very soon. Without the reassurance of other people they arent going to want to buy it and be intrested.
4) What is a techno-panic? How does it link to moral panics?
Techno panic is a fear that relkates new and recent technology. This is something that is bad as its something that happens sometimes and to some people.This can spark both moral and techno panics. There have been some issues that wearing and using the glass is bad as it can cause problems within the eyes and it can be bad for the human brain etc.
5) What is your opinion on the privacy debate and major corporations being able to access large quantities of personal data?
I think that its bad that Google will be able to see, hear and wtach what people are doing that have this new piece of technology. Being private is there for reason to make sure that no one else can see what you are doing or hear what you are doing. People dont want private infromation going out as its soemthing that is close to them and it should be kept private. However, it is good that they are inventing soemthing new as technology changes all the time.
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