1) List FIVE films, FIVE TV programmes and FIVE online-only productions that are discussed in the article.
There are many films and tv programmes being mentioned in the article. for example, Slumdog millionaire, sunshine, Kidulthood, Adulthood, Ill manors and sket. There are Black men at the helm, top boy, 55 degrees north, Luther and line of duty. There were also online productions like Brothers with no game, venus vs mars, all about the mckenzies, the ryan sisters and met the adebanjos.
2) Watch Destiny Ekaragha's clips above (more of her work is available on her website, including the short film The Park). To what extent can we apply Alvarado's and Fanon's theories to these films? Do they reinforce or subvert typical black stereotypes in British film and TV? Refer to specific scenes and events in the clips in answering this question and aim for at least 350 words.
In these clips the men in the film are being shown as exotic as they are black men that are being seen as if they rap or are a gangster type of people because of the way they talk and how they were sitting. They can also be shown as dangerous as they are in a small gang but when they talk then you would know that they are harmless and dont do much. They are talking about exotic things too which makes it interesting and funny to the audience as its something that they wouldn't have thought of that they would speak about because of the representation that they have.
Monday, 25 January 2016
Edward Said
Alvrado- Mainly aimed at the black community but can be aimed at other non-white people. tell us that people can be seen as exotic, dangerous,humerous and pitied. These are for people that have a stereotype. Everyone shows how people can be stereotyped and they can be put into catergories like this. Exotic
(models; music artists; food)
(crime; gangs; socially dysfunctional)
(comedians; sidekicks; quirky)
and Pitied
Fanon- was mainly talking about black people. This means bothe females and males from the black community. He was saying that black stereotypes can be different. For example, Infantilize - such as the 'cute' children of the Charity Poster or the 'simple-minded‘ 'Step ‘n’ fetch it‘ lazy comedian. Primitivize - The 'exotic & virile' tribal warriors or 'bare-breasted maidens' with a 'natural sense of rhythm‘. Sporting prowess. Decivilize - The 'Gangsta', 'Pimp' etc. and Essentialize - Undifferentiated mass-'they all look the same to me' .
Said- He is saying that the western is more superior than the east side. Meaning that the eastern are uncivilised. This was probably more aimed at the asian community.
In Yasmin, the show showed three differnet types of how muslims can behave and act. For example, you saw the young boy going to the mosque and saying prayers with another elderly man. The lady was getting changed from her traditional clothes to a normal jeans and top. this could have been becasue of her job or because of the area and the plave she works in dont accept or like muslims in a sense because of the steretype they are under. She had to take off her headscarf and get ready. When she went to the pub loads of people were looking at her and staring and she knew that because it was a white-dominant area, they probably dont like or see often any other coloured person-meaning that they are racist. This does happen as its soemthing that happens in differnt areas of the country.You saw a man that was way more traditional as he was speaking and singing to himself, he was cooking as if he was in his own country when he could hav eeasily used the stove or microwave. He was wearning traditional clothes. Hs showed that he was traditional and she showed that she was more modern than the other people.
This is showing a exotic side and humerous side as its showing some traditional roles but also showing roles that arent as traditional as we thought it would have been. This means that they show the traditional muslim family as they are half muslim and half white they have to show the other side to them.
This trailer shows a dangerous side and a humerous side in some parts. As its showing that dangerous side as they are well-known black males in the big hollywood industry they are shown as dangerous as when they are seen using weapons and the way they are dressed in some parts of the film. In some parts of the trailer its funny and has some funny lines to make it more intresting as some black people are knwon for being funny and they are decivilised.
This is beaing shown as a dangerous and orientalism. This is because the man is working for terroists and they are seen as dangerous people and bvecasue they are muslim the terrosit then they are assumed with the oriental side. That the west is more superior in a way. The man isnt muslim but they forced him to dod certain things of their religion so that he would live.
This is being shown as exotic as its set in differnt countries an dthe peopel are wearing differnet outfits that are traditional and non traditional. This is also humerous as its a funny film and yiu can see that in the one liners taht are given. Its also exotic because they are showing pretty women and good looking men in the video so they may find it exotic and there is music.
This is a music video that shows black men in a stereotypical way as this is what a lot of people associate them with. Thsi is seen as exotic as its a music video and its differnt. This is seen as dangerous as of the lyrics and the way hes dressed and decivilise as he is a gangster and shows that through his video.
This is shown as dangerous as drugs and weapons are in the video and there are many gangs taht are made up of mainly black men and some white males. This is to show that they are dangerous and are seen in a bad way. This is what they want people to show.
Fanon- was mainly talking about black people. This means bothe females and males from the black community. He was saying that black stereotypes can be different. For example, Infantilize - such as the 'cute' children of the Charity Poster or the 'simple-minded‘ 'Step ‘n’ fetch it‘ lazy comedian. Primitivize - The 'exotic & virile' tribal warriors or 'bare-breasted maidens' with a 'natural sense of rhythm‘. Sporting prowess. Decivilize - The 'Gangsta', 'Pimp' etc. and Essentialize - Undifferentiated mass-'they all look the same to me' .
Said- He is saying that the western is more superior than the east side. Meaning that the eastern are uncivilised. This was probably more aimed at the asian community.
In Yasmin, the show showed three differnet types of how muslims can behave and act. For example, you saw the young boy going to the mosque and saying prayers with another elderly man. The lady was getting changed from her traditional clothes to a normal jeans and top. this could have been becasue of her job or because of the area and the plave she works in dont accept or like muslims in a sense because of the steretype they are under. She had to take off her headscarf and get ready. When she went to the pub loads of people were looking at her and staring and she knew that because it was a white-dominant area, they probably dont like or see often any other coloured person-meaning that they are racist. This does happen as its soemthing that happens in differnt areas of the country.You saw a man that was way more traditional as he was speaking and singing to himself, he was cooking as if he was in his own country when he could hav eeasily used the stove or microwave. He was wearning traditional clothes. Hs showed that he was traditional and she showed that she was more modern than the other people.
This is showing a exotic side and humerous side as its showing some traditional roles but also showing roles that arent as traditional as we thought it would have been. This means that they show the traditional muslim family as they are half muslim and half white they have to show the other side to them.
This trailer shows a dangerous side and a humerous side in some parts. As its showing that dangerous side as they are well-known black males in the big hollywood industry they are shown as dangerous as when they are seen using weapons and the way they are dressed in some parts of the film. In some parts of the trailer its funny and has some funny lines to make it more intresting as some black people are knwon for being funny and they are decivilised.
This is beaing shown as a dangerous and orientalism. This is because the man is working for terroists and they are seen as dangerous people and bvecasue they are muslim the terrosit then they are assumed with the oriental side. That the west is more superior in a way. The man isnt muslim but they forced him to dod certain things of their religion so that he would live.
This is being shown as exotic as its set in differnt countries an dthe peopel are wearing differnet outfits that are traditional and non traditional. This is also humerous as its a funny film and yiu can see that in the one liners taht are given. Its also exotic because they are showing pretty women and good looking men in the video so they may find it exotic and there is music.
This is a music video that shows black men in a stereotypical way as this is what a lot of people associate them with. Thsi is seen as exotic as its a music video and its differnt. This is seen as dangerous as of the lyrics and the way hes dressed and decivilise as he is a gangster and shows that through his video.
This is shown as dangerous as drugs and weapons are in the video and there are many gangs taht are made up of mainly black men and some white males. This is to show that they are dangerous and are seen in a bad way. This is what they want people to show.
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Learner response
WWW:Some understanding demonstrated.
EBI: Lacks specific response to the case study (news) or many proper examples or Marxism/pluralism and any other theories. UGC? Citizen journalism etc.
Level 2 is my weakest. This is beacsue its a basic essay that covers some areas but doenst get to the point and i didnt get to the point. This means that i am on that level. The level 2 band shows that its a basic and not enough information is getting told in the essay. I will need to at least be on a level 3 or 4 at leats. This will be my strongest as then i can cover all areas that i need and show what i can do. I then can show alot of information like focus on the question alot more and show a clear understanding of it. This is what i will need to do next time.
Shanara- she included many things that i didn't. She generalised the topic well in a professional way and she used a theory which i didn't use. This would have been good for me to use as i would have gotten more marks and it would have made sense to include it.She included Rupert Murdoch and made reference to him. Made reference to user generated content.Citizen journalism she spoke about.She spoke about the Arab springs and made sure she spoke about it properly. Gatekeepers she spoke about too. Rebekkah brooks and spoke about new and digital media as part of it.Made reference to global village.
New and digital media offers a wide range of competing ideas and opinions from experts and journalists to bloggers and social networks, making it harder for audeinces to kow who to trust.
When reading and watching different things on the internet its hard to know who to trust and not who to trust. This is beacuse many people who upload videos on youtibe edit them-makimg their audeince think that they have seen or heard the information the way they edited it. even when famous poeple blog or tweet, they could be messing around or writing false infromation so that their audience would be intrigued more by what they have been putting up.For example, Briggs and Burke said that "the most important medium of the 20th century". This means that they are talking about the internet and how important it is. The internet has become an important part of the world and will continue to.
EBI: Lacks specific response to the case study (news) or many proper examples or Marxism/pluralism and any other theories. UGC? Citizen journalism etc.
Level 2 is my weakest. This is beacsue its a basic essay that covers some areas but doenst get to the point and i didnt get to the point. This means that i am on that level. The level 2 band shows that its a basic and not enough information is getting told in the essay. I will need to at least be on a level 3 or 4 at leats. This will be my strongest as then i can cover all areas that i need and show what i can do. I then can show alot of information like focus on the question alot more and show a clear understanding of it. This is what i will need to do next time.
Shanara- she included many things that i didn't. She generalised the topic well in a professional way and she used a theory which i didn't use. This would have been good for me to use as i would have gotten more marks and it would have made sense to include it.She included Rupert Murdoch and made reference to him. Made reference to user generated content.Citizen journalism she spoke about.She spoke about the Arab springs and made sure she spoke about it properly. Gatekeepers she spoke about too. Rebekkah brooks and spoke about new and digital media as part of it.Made reference to global village.
New and digital media offers a wide range of competing ideas and opinions from experts and journalists to bloggers and social networks, making it harder for audeinces to kow who to trust.
When reading and watching different things on the internet its hard to know who to trust and not who to trust. This is beacuse many people who upload videos on youtibe edit them-makimg their audeince think that they have seen or heard the information the way they edited it. even when famous poeple blog or tweet, they could be messing around or writing false infromation so that their audience would be intrigued more by what they have been putting up.For example, Briggs and Burke said that "the most important medium of the 20th century". This means that they are talking about the internet and how important it is. The internet has become an important part of the world and will continue to.
2 articles

The sun has decided to cut off its standalone politics site, less than a year after it launched as a “loud and disruptive” platform for stories outside the title’s paywall. This links to the sun nation and now the suns political section.

Rupert Murdoch's company news corp have denied the fact that they want to buy news corp. They are saying that this isn't true and don't want to but the big social media company.

The sun has decided to cut off its standalone politics site, less than a year after it launched as a “loud and disruptive” platform for stories outside the title’s paywall. This links to the sun nation and now the suns political section.
- The spokesperson said: “With the Sun’s online content now freely available we felt it was no longer necessary for a standalone politics site, but the same brilliant political exclusives, funnies and virals will still be available.”
- Sun Nation provided a way for the newspaper to publish stories during last year’s general election that could travel outside its then strict paywall. It was also a way for the Sun to experiment with ways of taking advantage of social media, something that is likely to be key to helping the newly free Sun.co.uk website grow its audience.
This is different as now the website has been getting more reader after dropping their website. This hasn't been happening to all websites as its something that only happens sometimes. Some newspapers prefer to have a website and want to do certain things. This shows that the sun audiences only want to be read.
News Corp denies rumors company wants to buy Twitter

Rupert Murdoch's company news corp have denied the fact that they want to buy news corp. They are saying that this isn't true and don't want to but the big social media company.
- Twitter’s shares, which rose as much as 14%, pared some gains and were up 5.2% at $17.55 in late afternoon trading. The rumors had lifted the stock from a record low.
- Twitter has been the subject of takeover rumors in the past, including a fake report attributed toBloomberg News that claimed the company had received an offer to be acquired for $31bn.
- Twitter trades at 28.12 times forward earnings, below its peer median of 36.06. Facebook has a PE of 33.08, while LinkedIn Corp’s is 52.64, according to Thomson Reuters data.
- Up to Tuesday’s close, the stock had fallen nearly 41% since co-founder Jack Dorsey was named permanent CEO in October.
I think it's good that news corp don't want to buy twitter as they would want to change it. Meaning that i don't think that they would leave it the same and keep it as normal twitter. This is bad as Twitter should stay as Twitter and not turn into something else. Sometimes people may want alot of big industries under there name but they would want to change what the industry is. Its better to leave it all alone.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Identities in the media
- How did the language and selection of images in the coverage create a particular representation of young people?
- Why does David Buckingham mention Owen Jones and his work Chavs: the demonisation of the working class?
- What is the typical representation of young people – and teenage boys in particular? What did the 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey find?
How can Stanley Cohen’s work on Moral Panic be linked to the coverage of the riots?
They can be linked by the way that the way that the media portray all of the riots. For example, they would show how bad it is and what they are doing wrong and that would appeal to some people and that would annoy them.
- What elements of the media and popular culture were blamed for the riots?
- How was social media blamed for the riots? What was interesting about the discussion of social media when compared to the Arab Spring in 2011?
- The riots generated a huge amount of comment and opinion - both in mainstream and social media. How can the two-step flow theory be linked to the coverage of the riots?
- Alternatively, how might media scholars like Henry Jenkins view the 'tsunami' of blogs, forums and social media comments? Do you agree that this shows the democratisation of the media?
- What were the right-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
- What were the left-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
- What are your OWN views on the main causes of the riots?
- How can capitalism be blamed for the riots? What media theory (from our new/digital media unit) can this be linked to?
- Were people involved in the riots given a voice in the media to explain their participation?
- In the Guardian website's investigation into the causes of the riots, they did interview rioters themselves. Read this Guardian article from their Reading the Riots academic research project - what causes are outlined by those involved in the disturbances?
- What is your own opinion on the riots? Do you have sympathy with those involved or do you believe strong prison sentences are the right approach to prevent such events happening in future?
I feel like the riots were done for a purpose and that was to make sure that there was point being made but then it got out of hand and made it worse by everyone making things worse. They have to male sure that there was something else happening and everyone just wanted to get involved and make a big problem out of it.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
2 articles
Has social media ruined the web?

Blogging and independent websites had been overtaken by social media networks, with the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram dominating the market. This means that more soical meidfa websites have been more involved than the other websites that are on there.
- Has the web lost its power to drive social change? This is the conclusion of Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan, imprisoned by the regime in 2008 and released and pardoned in 2014.
- Derakhshan’s article sparked a lively debate below the line. Here are some highlights from the debate - you can add your own views in the comments section below.
I think that its good that the social media have been more of a scene rather than other websites and things. But at the same time its bad as they dont need to have so much attention and make sure that there are lots of things happening. Social media is a a bad thing in a way but also good.
New York Times chooses Jim Rutenberg to take over David Carr column

The New York Times has named Jim Rutenberg as its new media columnist, filling the role left vacant after the sudden death of David Carr almost a year ago.Rutenberg is currently the chief political correspondent for the newspaper’s Sunday magazine, having joined the NYT from the New York Observer as a media correspondent in 2000.
- A joint memo to staff from executive editor Dean Bacquet and business editor Dean Murphy said the hunt for someone to take on the prestigious role had been “exhaustive” and taken in both internal and external candidates.
- Jim brings to the job a passion for the story, a track record in covering the industry and the experienced eye of an astute observer,” they wrote.
- Rutenberg, who has also been an investigative reporter and White House correspondent at the newspaper said: “It’s an honour and beyond daunting to be granted the space that David filled in such a special way, which touched so many people.
Friday, 8 January 2016
2 articles
I think that its good that i want to cut down the prioces even though it doesnt make much of a difference. Its good that tehy want to have more of a audiece and have more people to be with and sell their newspaper to.
Twitter shares hit new low on rumored shift to 10,000-character tweets

Twitter have revealed that may shift their word count 10,000 characters.It used to be 140 characters as that was too small they want more people to tweet and have more to say and have more of an opinion and make the word count bigger.
- Twitter shares plummeted more than 2% on the news, first reported by Re/codeon Tuesday, which seemed to undermine the essential nature of the short-form social media platform. The company’s shares ended down 2.97% at $21.89, a new low.
- “We’ve spent a lot of time observing what people are doing on Twitter, and we see them taking screenshots of text and tweeting it,” Dorsey wrote, appropriately, in a screenshot of a block of text. “Instead, what if that text... was actually text? Text that could be searched. Text that could be highlighted.”
- Re/code said the feature (which could yet change to a different character count) was due to roll out this quarter. Ten thousand characters is currently the allotted maximum for direct messages on Twitter and usually breaks down to about 2,000 words.
I think that its good that twitter want to up the word count as its better for them. The audience can now tweet more when they want to and not be restricted by the word counts that they have.
Evgeny Lebedev sounds out interest in cut-price national the i

The publisher of the i is understood to have sounded out media groups about a potential sale of the cut-price national title.
- There are market rumours that News UK, publisher of the Times and Sun, and Daily Mirror publisher Trinity Mirror have shown interest in the i. However, it is not known if either publisher has gone as far as holding official talks with ESI Media, the parent company of the i.
- One source suggests that the experience of Richard Desmond cutting the price of the Daily Star in half to 20p, which has seen the title boost sales but not cannibalise rivals the Sun and Mirror, shows that there could be a market for another title.
- The publisher’s former chief executive has described the i, which has doubled in price to 40p since launch, as strategically vital in providing a“rubber ring” around the Independent.
The 275,000 daily sales of the i has given retail distribution scale and advertising negotiation muscle to the Independent, which sells less than 60,000 copies a day with many of those free bulk copies.
I think that its good that i want to cut down the prioces even though it doesnt make much of a difference. Its good that tehy want to have more of a audiece and have more people to be with and sell their newspaper to.
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